We are so pleased to have been able to present all players who have been invited to participate in a FairBreak program with a special numbered cap. This cap signifies the order of invitation of the player. As our program develops, each player invited will be presented with their numbered cap prior to taking the field for FairBreak.

  1. Alex Blackwell, Australia
  2. Suzie Bates, New Zealand
  3. Shamilia Connell, West Indies
  4. Mariko Hill, Hong Kong
  5. Diviya GK, Singapore
  6. Selina Solman, Vanuatu
  7. Nadia Gruny, USA
  8. Akanksha Kohli, India
  9. Lakshmi Yadav, India
  10. Vasali Jesrani, Oman
  11. Divya Saxena, Canada
  12. Sana Mir, Pakistan
  13. Sterre Kalis, Netherlands
  14. Laura Mophakedi, Botswana
  15. Shameelah Mosweu, Botswana
  16. Kathryn Bryce, Scotland
  17. Ruchita Venkatesh, Hong Kong
  18. Stephanie Fronhmayer, Germany
  19. Celeste Raack, Ireland
  20. Chelsey Rowson, England
  21. Grace Scrivens, England
  22. Ryana Macdonald-Gay, England

Thank you to all the incredible women who have accepted our invitation. FairBreak, as a movement, is a collaboration with everyone involved and we are so grateful to all who have given their time, skills, expertise, encouragement and support.